Monday, December 26, 2005

Just a quick pic so you can remember what I look like if it has been a while(or what I looked like, this is scarily almost 6 years old!)

Heather's Blog

Well here we go! Been resisting the urge to do this for ages. This blog isn't going to be a look into my mind, or my deepest thoughts because 1. I don't have any deep thoughts and 2. I am not that interesting. Hopefully this will be a way to keep in touch with people, maybe let you know what is going on in my life and a bit of fun!

So a quick catch up then - Its Boxing Day 2005 and I am having a few Baileys having been on call for the past week! I was on call because I work for the Environment Agency , been there over 2 years now and I love it! Worked in Dorset for a few years before that, at an outdoor education centre for kids. I'll add some photos of that sometime because it was a beautiful place with great people. Before that University of Bristol studying Geology which I miss doing with a passion. Currently living in High Wycombe with my mum - no need to explain why - everyone knows what house prices are like! I'm going to St Andrews church in HW - just started really and excited about it!