...than we can ask or can imagine....That's what God can do, and as I move into yet another new phase of my life I am hoping to live in that promise. I shall be musing, charting, debating, lamenting and enjoying the next chapter or two here...if you have even the vaguest interest, I welcome you and apologise in advance for anything I say or do that may not be fitting of a lady!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
How does this teaching (which was planned without knowledge of the circumstances that met us this morning) mean, when it comes to considering the people who came into our building for nefarious reasons? We will probably never know what brought them to act the way they did but I do not believe the reasons should matter. This morning, instead of speculating about motive I should have been praying for them and for us.
It is rarely easy, even less so on days like today, when so many emotions are stirred but I am to be obedient and show the same compassion I am showed. And so I pray that a compassionate response becomes my primary nature. I want my first instinct to be to reach out, forgive and love regardless of why that person is in front of me, or if I have gone to be in front of them, what brought me there.
Friday, July 01, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011
We’re actually on top of most ‘big’ things to do with the wedding. Church, venue, photographer, florist are booked. My dress is ordered and pretty much everyone we want to take an active part in the celebrations has been asked and happily agreed. However, the fact is as I'm not in full time work (though you might not know it to look at my diary) I’ve been doing a lot of the organising on my own and simply catch Rob up with the progress every so often and that’s where some of my anxiety is rooted.
I have blamed my simplified 'just-get-it-done' process I've fallen into on our budget being (rightly) small but moreover on our time limited. However, I’ve come to realise that these are just excuses after all 7 months is plenty of time and it is possible to make the day what we want it to be if we organise it together.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
One day late (of course), I have decided what to do for Lent. A brief intro first.
If you have been following my blog you may know of my struggles during this current stint of ‘funemployment’, to let myself relax, recuperate and refocus during what has been a rollercoaster ride of letting go, letting go and letting go all over again.
There have been job opportunities and opportunities that seemed golden, made for me but they haven’t worked out or there have been good reasons not to pursue them. Even though doors seem to be opening, I’ve been strongly feeling the need to keep having the break God informed me I was meant to take.
Queue raised eyebrows from a few folk about small things like finances.
For those of you doing that (which more often than not includes me) I’m putting it in writing.
It’ll be ok.
I am taking actions, even if I am not chasing gainful employment. I’ve moved back in with Mum (thanks Mum*1). I have been having sessions with a great careers counsellor which is shedding light into corners of my abilities I hadn’t poked about in for a while (this is relevant to the ‘Lent thing’). I’ve been reading books and getting some prayer.
And God’s been knocking on my door again the past week or so, reminding me that He is in control and His timing is perfect, not mine but I’m doing ok not rushing. “Keep on doing what you’re doing. You’re in the right place for now. My plans are coming along nicely.” I know that being obedient to this, even if it flies in the face of what a lot of people think I should be doing in an employment/financial climate such as we have at the moment, is the right thing to do. And if it isn’t – as above, it will be ok.
And so back to the ‘Lent thing’. Through a variety of counselling, prayer, chatting with great friends and especially the lovely boyfriend, I’ve been reflecting a lot on ‘who am I’ and ‘what am I meant to be’. Most of all I’ve been contemplating the question intrinsically linked to those two - ‘what am I meant to be doing’. Self absorbed? Possibly. Immediately and incredibly useful? Definitely.
I have recognised just how much I have labelled myself, or been labelled. And although some labels can be good, I think it is time to try to stick some new ones on, alongside or replacing the old ones. And so the ‘Lent thing’ is to try something new every day for 40days that helps me get some new labels. And the label has to be of something I consider myself bad at or incapable of doing whether through previous labelling, rubbish self esteem or lack of courage. I will tell you now, I’ll fail at getting 40 but if I get even a few I’ll be pleased.
In fact - that is a new label for me – “recognises that the process of getting somewhere is as, if not more valuable, than reaching the target.” Ooh so that can count as yesterday’s new label.
Today’s I’m starting with something a lot simpler and less prosaic. Baking. I did Food GCSE at school and got a C, my lowest grade in those exams and the cause of some shame at the time which now of course seems ridiculous. I have tried a bit of cooking over the past few years, but consistently believed I can’t bake. So today I did. Queue slightly fuzzy photo*2 of Ginger Cake and Honey & Oat Muffins! If you are at music practise tonight, and there is any left (and if they taste alright) you may get some!
So I’ll update this and my blog too. Cheers for listening!
*1 She doesn’t use a computer but it seemed the right thing to do.
*2 dug out the old digital camera as my lovely DSLR is off being fixed
Friday, February 04, 2011
I've been overusing the word 'bobble'
It has been a while since my last thoughtful update, not because things haven’t been happening, just my usual laziness. I have had plenty of thoughts and experiences I should be sharing given my reasons for starting this blog, but I’ve been rubbish about sitting down and doing it! Could be a worry – unemployment (or funemployment as I’m calling it) seems to be bad for me in some ways! My tendency to procrastinate obviously hasn’t got any better yet, despite my solemn vows to myself to ‘Just Do It’ whatever ‘It’ may be.
On the other hand, this time not continues to have its unarguable benefits. My health is better (apart from a lingering stinking cold but I got off lightly considering the flu that’s been circulating). I feel generally much better than I did 3 months ago. I’ve quite madly signed up to walk Hadrians Wall with Adele at the end of March. More on that below.
So before Christmas, when I determined it was really necessary to take the break God was pointing me to, I had a semi-deadline in my head of not looking for work until I was back from my ski trip. In the three days after the trip at the end of January, I’d had an interview for a job, showed people round my flat and registered for an Open University Course in Digital Photography which I’ve been thinking about doing for a while now. It was a very positive time and I felt assured in the actions I was taking.
I applied for a job at my church and the application and interview process was really helpful and reminded me I haven’t lost my ability to be articulate and considered. I didn’t get offered the role and I think a few people expected me to be incredibly disappointed, but I was glad. Although I would love, love, love to work for my church, the particular role was not for me.
So I haven’t had a thunderbolt of understanding as to my next job path in life and wasn’t ever expecting one. But I do feel more at peace over the whole job situation than ever before. The plan now is to get moved home then start applying for anything and everything!
A new discovery, fuelled by applying for the church role is that I would really like to work part time which I would never have considered before I left my last job. I believed that I would not be contributing the best of my abilities, fulfilling my potential and all those other somewhat self-aggrandising ideals if I wasn’t working my fingers to the bone somewhere. I recognise I have the blessing of being able to move home with Mum and therefore can earn less, and Rob and I are sorting out our finances in a way that even if I continued to work part time into the future we’d be ok. But I’d love to work part time so some of the things I’ve been doing in this break can continue. Things outside of work-life got a short shrift – and I’m now enjoying be able to plan Disciple group events, Brownie meetings, meet friends for lunch and be able to put more time into those people. And spend more and better quality time with Rob J And I am so excited about the photography course, even though it doesn’t start until May!
That all said, I know I can’t keep running down my savings, I’m learning to rely on them less, but I’m also not silly! As explained in previous blogs, I have relied on knowing I have a bit of a nest egg far too much – and it is already significantly dented. I was also musing in my last entry about moving back to Mum’s . Well I handed in my notice on my flat and will be out by the beginning of March, moving to Mum’s before that if possible. 9 people have viewed my flat so far and no one has taken it – are they mad? It is great, quiet, well located, cheap (comparatively) and I want OUT! My landlord agreed I could break tenancy early if someone else moves in – which is great but only if someone takes it on.
Although I’m not chomping at the bit to move back to Mum’s and I am getting much better at relaxing about this whole thing, I am struggling with just waiting to move. I could save a fair bit of money if I get out of the flat now, but then it was my choice not to hand my notice in until I did. Having time to consider what the outcomes of my decisions may be is refreshing, rather than before when I bobbled from one act to the next without a chance to make the (hopefully) best decision. I hope, once I’m back in work whatever it is, and however much time it takes up, I’ll be able to continue in some of these new behaviours.
So regarding my trip with Adele along Hadrian’s Wall. We have to walk 84 miles in 6 days, camping along the way. We’re starting on the 31st March. This is a real challenge for me – I’ve not done any serious walking for years, I’ve had a horrid cold on my chest since the new year and as such my fitness levels and training are not going well. Motivation is low....so please help through donating (see what i did there!) My fundraising page is here: www.justgiving.com/Heather-Samuel
In 2002 I lost one of my best friends to sudden adult death and I’m walking in his name to raise money for this great cause. I’m aiming to raise money for the charity CRY – Cardiac Risk in the Young. Here is the science bit.... 12 young people die EVERY DAY in the UK from Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) which is an umbrella term used for the many different causes of cardiac arrest in young people. CRY provides medical information on the most common causes of unexpected sudden cardiac death sometimes referred to as SADS in the young as well as bereavement counselling for those who lose someone.
So please, if you’re that way inclined, pray for me to get over this cold, get fitter, and get the trek done. And please sponsor me J