Sunday, June 05, 2011

God is Good

No fancy title and pictures and no ridiculously long blog this time.  Just to say I had a wig out about the wedding/life this week. It coincided nicely with the countdown clock on our new wedding website letting me know its 188 days until the wedding. *eek*

My freak out was about money – I’m still not seriously looking for work, we are a bit rubbish at budgeting and big chunks of money are disappearing into the wedding. It made me wobble. We’re doing the sensible things – starting a proper budget, spreading costs but as explained in previous blogs, this is an area that makes me very uneasy.

So in church this morning I prayed for some help  and I got my response....”I told you I would look after you and I will. Keep serving me first and let me take care of the rest.”

And this evening, totally unprompted and unaware of my concerns, I’ve had a friend offer the equivalent of about £300 worth of stuff for the wedding.

Thank you friend. Thank you Lord.

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