Another late update - v.poor!
I am categorically rubbish at updating my blog anywhere near as frequently as necessary to make people interested! So another vow to update more often....we'll see how long this one lasts!
First an explanation for the random picture. That's my *old* desk, with the lovely Nigel peering out from behind waving me good bye as I left my cosy office in Amersham and headed for sunbury on thames. I'm officially a Senior Environment Officer now - or an Enior Environment Officer as my contract sayas - God bless Human Resources department. I've been incredibly spoiled until this point in my life when it comes to commuting. Amersham for the last 3 and half years has been an 18mile round trip, before that in Dorset it was 80 yards from my chalet to my desk and before that at uni, 147 yards from my bed to my lecture theatre seat. I'm now a good hour and a half round the M25 from bed to office...but I am loving my new job, the people are fantastic and I am really excited for the future in this place.
Other stuff I've been up to?
I went to my first Spring Harvest just before Easter and had a brill time. Saw Adrian Plass live - who I have always adored and who was hysterically funny. I got to see Sarah Kelly play live, and got a hug afterwards, from the Grammy Award winning artist. I attended loads of seminars about all sorts of good stuff - and got to do some extreme walking, play some cazy golf, beat little kids at Lazer Quest. Skegness was blinking freezing too, might have to try Minehead next time.
Easter was great, sang in the band at church again, a ministry new to me, but one I am rapidly falling totally in love with. The people are fantastic and I am completely in awe of their talent - and grateful they let me warble along with them.
I've started using Facebook where people can see more regular updates from me, but nothing in depth like this.
Stuff coming up...
Big prayer request for venture please - were low on numbers of kids so we my be losing one - or both - weeks.
Music recs.
Arcade Fire - again! I now have a couple of their albums and am getting more time behind the wheel to sing along loudly.
Sarah Kelly - as mentioned above
The Shins - Chutes too Narrow - old album but one I only just got - Kissing the Lipless is a stand out track