'Ere Snowy - I can see the pub from 'ere!Aaaaaand relax! I've been on a marathon run of actually having a life and am exhausted as a result. So a brief summary of Summer 2006!
Wimborne 3 Explorer Venture 2006 went brilliantly - the Laughing Lions were the pride of the pack, Eggs were flung, cream pies were smooshed and knights in shining armour delighted us all. Team reunion is only a few weeks away - yipeeee!
Greenbelt was equally fantastic - Andi and I cut up the dance floor, drank some dodgy organic cider and spent vast quantities of time (and cash) at the Circus Skills stall. There were some magicians he got excited about and I got to eat crepes and buy handbags! I even managed to fit in some Freestyle Walking with Isaac W!
Jim and Emily got hitched - thanks for inviting me to share your wonderful day! More cutting up of the dance floor - but literally this time given the heel on my boots!
Clare and Heather's Corfu Adventure was more of a lesson in relaxation - which by early September was the only option left. I burned my tummy, but at least this time you couldn't tell which way I had knotted my bikini top like one unfortunate year in the Canaries. No Jeep Safari this year (booooo) but we sailed to Albania and ate lots of seafood! I got through a ton of books but I started dreaming Fiendish Su Doku in the end so had to give that up! Very sedate!
Wateraid's Corbett Challenge was completed, overcome, endured - take your pick! Along with some other daring friends from work, I scaled the great heights of Foel Goch in Snowdonia to raise money for Wateraid. We made it up and down without dying (more of an achievement than you'd think given the average fitness level of the team) and I have attached a photo of the all conquering Colne team. You can sponser me in retrospect
hereI am also massively proud of my Aunt Carole who was ordained to be a Deacon this weekend. The service in Christ Church, Oxford was very moving and I was honoured to be a part of it.
So - there goes Summer 2006 - here comes the winter! Started planning some ski trips for the new year - anyone got any ideas of what to actually do for New Year itself - I've been sick and in bed 3 out of the last 4 so I am up for some shenanigans! I'm bridesmaid for the wonderful Alli and Craig in November - I am perhaps getting a little too girly and excited about that - shoes, neckalces, underwear all being bought in vast quantities - it is amazing how much thought has to go into those things!! Still looking for an escort to the wedding if there are any volunteers???? ;) Three days in the Lake District and I'm driving!